Tiny gives a hand job to TI and gets caught by guards??
I don't know whether to laugh or feel pity for this couple. Not only can y'all not stay out of jail, y'all can't even act right while TI is in. I also feel like TI could afford to pay someone to do that for him. Can't be that desperate. I would understand full on sex or oral...over a middle school movie theatre date 2nd base act.
Obama's team keeps changing???
Once again, seems like every few months, somebody moves around in Obama's camp. I don't know whether to be glad he is able to make decisions without worrying about fallout or begin to worry what's really going on behind closed doors.
Woman writes a suicide note,gets mocked,then committs act????
So a woman decided to post a suicide note on facebook (yep big mistake). I bet she thought it could be one last effort to see if someone would care, last cry for help. Boy was she wrong, over a hundred rude, mocking comments. Next day, the police found her dead body. Now her wall is full of love....side eye!!
Snooki, the new face of an empire???
I think its amazing that this little nugget of a human being is taking control of her 15 minutes of fame. Really she has passed her 15 minutes because she is a household name. Read the article. I'm still schocked homegirl "wrote a book"
F Bar?????
New club in Houston is opening with this name. Blatant much...
These recent stories have made me do all kind of facial expressions lately. Hopefully you can make more sense of them than I could....