My cousin feels I make too many connections within the club/nightlife. I tried to explain to her, those sometimes tend to be the most interesting situations, or the most surprising. So, since I've been in Houston I haven't gone out. But that hasn't stopped some of the weirdness, unexpectedness, foolishness.
Riding in the car...
Old Man Jones: So this Mercedes is like riding my ass. It's trying to drive up on the lane to the right and left of me, but getting caught up. I'm trying to look thru my mirrors, like what the hell is going on? I see he is kind of attractive, and I'm ok, catch up if you can. Finally he gets up on the left, lets his window down....and.....OMG....HE IS ALL OF 60-70 YEARS OF AGE. I simply shaked my head no, smiled and continued driving. Of course Old Man Jones, wouldn't give up, and followed me 15 more minutes all the way to exit before mine. Thank God, cuz I was not going to let him be able to corner me or nothing.
Bumper Sticker Man: This has happened a couple of times. Pulls up, puts window down, honks horn if I don't notice. Most of the time, he's a cutie. THen he continues down the highway and nasty! If it's not a sticker for his child's elementary school, it's some type of sticker indicating he has a bona-finde family of 5,or something about what he can do to the ladies.......not hot, not attractive. Especially when it is a nice car....a Benz/BMW
Grocery Store (the late night hit ups)
The Worker: So...I guess since it's late at night, they feel they can say anything and everything. There is one however, at the local Walmart, so fine, but so damn rude. If it's not to say somehting about my ass, it's my figure as a whole, then it's the way I walk, what I'm purchasing, where do I live, why am I at Walmart, can we walk with me inside...........iiiilllllllllllllllllllllll
The "Let me get at you for a second/Aye Slow Down": This guy, I swear everytime I decide to slow down, give the guy a chance, give myself a chance I am disapointed. Simply becasue he delivers this line....then....the next line....nothing....awkward silence.
Already Taken Man: Gets my number in Aisle 4. Watches me walk away. Of course I forgot something in Aisle 8. There he is with his gal in Aisle 8. I know it's his gal, he tries to avoid eye contact or introduce me to the female stranger.
Old Church
ummm......there are no nicknames, all the guys are unavaliable. Baby momma drama, girlfriend drama, hot mess no availables at the local church-house.
Local Mall
**Married Men**
**Over the hill and around the way Men**
**Gay Men**
**Metrosexual Men but come off as Gay Men**
**Men who don't know they are Gay Yet**
**Men Who Just Are Not Interested In Me**
**Men of Different Races, who stare/look/smile/comment they think I'm cute, but don't continue the convo**
In the end, I don't think anywhere is just a great place to meet somebody. I think it just depends on the right place at the right time with the right person.
But can I say how Relaxing Houston has been!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!oooowweeeee
ooh girl...that happened to me the other day. I was driving and this golden colored mercedes rides up beside me...of course i'm looking cute...but as he rolls down his's an old ass dude...he makes smoochy faces at me. Yuck!
You're right...there is no good place to meet men. I think I met one online...but then can never been too sure.
Um...when are we going to Babe's?
My goodness... That's just ridiculous... You be havin' some stories for real...
old man jones?
I don't think it has anything to do with the place.
You will always be found by what you're sending out. The whole "opposites attract" theory doesn't apply to humans in the sense of romantic relationships. Usually, you attract and are attracted to people who are more like you than are opposite of you. And I'm not saying that you're just like some of these guys who are approaching you - I know that you are so much more. An awesome woman of God.
I just feel like you're lost. Mm ... maybe trying to find in the physical what you really need in the spiritual. I strongly feel that ... as women, we don't have to "look" for that special someone, that Dream Guy. Biblically, and truthfully, we have always been presented to them. Take Eve for example.
I just feel that we have to be prepared. Or allow ourselves to be formed and molded into who God wants us to be so that when we do meet that Dream Guy, we will be exactly who we need to be ... and we won't miss it. So my advice would be (because although your journal entries are comical and amusing, I don't want to continue reading about you being abused or hurt)- give yourself to God. Devote all of your energy, time, and love to the true Love of your life. Everything. Develop a relationship ... I mean, an intimate relationship, with Him first*, before anything else, and enjoy the ride, which will be more than you could ever imagine. Allow this Man of Your Dreams & Reality to form you, and present you ... at exactly the right time, and the right place ... to someone who will be doing the exact same thing. The Spirit of God recognizes the Spirt of God ... so when you two do meet ...
[insert fireworks here]. Raven...too deep....
Daphne, when I am back in Dallas we are hitting up Babes.
ab, why me??
Torrance:serious old man jones!!!!
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