Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Do you much as I do?

Do you hate........

  • people that call you werid, wack, or lame because you like to open up a book and read it
  • people who put Christmas decorations on their car
  • the cell phone people in the mall (who scream at you and give every excuse why you should waste 5 minutes of your time)
  • lady in the mall that is always trying to sell me a flat iron
  • people who allow their children to chill in the shopping cart instead of using their legs and walking
  • males who drive Bugs
  • males who drive Bugs with rims on them
  • people who shoot their guns in the air as if the bullets will never come down
  • Oprah for still talking about her troubles with weight loss
  • males who swing their vehicle in front of me in order to "holla" at me (so almost causing my death is a good sign I should talk to you)
  • people who ask for your phone number, you give it to them, then they proceed to call you private and expect you to answer the phone
  • people who cop a feel on whatever body part they prefer that day while they walk by you
  • people who stand outside of parties, they never go in, just stand outside for 2-4 hours
  • people that support holiday ringtones for every holiday (especially Christmas)
  • how many times Obama says "uh", "um"
  • people who claim they don't have time to read your blog, but will refer to your blog in conversation much as I do?


KarolynK said...

I love it! Why am I just realizing you have a blog? :-)

Adam Ivy said...

lol males who drive bugs... i laugh at them... what cell phone you want for xmas? ill pick it out for ya

Me said...

ha ha! thats funny!

gravityisadrag said...

It's true. It makes him sound dumb.

I hate it too...