The Big Hurt: this means when I notice the reaction of a Black Man to either a gay black man or a white woman. Their neck twists like they have never seen something so magical in their life. Willing to push a Black Woman out the way to get a chance with the gay black man or the white woman. Never really noticed it or cared until I went out with The Great White Hype (white chick) and Ms. Runway Diva (fab gay).
The Great White Hype
Description: cute girl, lean, curly long brown hair with highlights, wears alot of makeup, Dallas accent, tall, tans a bit
~It was cool when we were getting in the club for free. It was cool when dudes would get her a drink, then get the crew drinks too. But when black men come up to you continuosly to get introduced to your "white homegirl/white chick" it begins to get annoying. And it's offensive towards The Great White Hype too. Who wants a man to talk to you because you just so happen to be white.
~I don't know how to put it in words, but it hurt my feelings a bit. And my other homegirl who is black too. I mean you truly feel the difference in the approach, you see the difference in the looks, the difference in the touch. It hurts you know the attention she is getting, the amount and the degree, we will not recieve,well not with her included in the crew. And what it would be like to be put on a high horse just because of your skin color. I can't wait for the day when chocolate brown (my skin color) becomes the shiznit.
Ms. Runway Diva
Description: lean, chocolate brown, fade cut, pretty skin, dressed to the nines all the time, and flamming his faggotry ways for everyone to know (got the word faggotry from him, ?lol? )
~Some dude tried to holla at him, smiling and such. Then when I came to the bar, the same dude tried to holla at me. Ummm..........unacceptable.
~Knowing the fact that most of his boos are married, have girlfriends, family men, professional men, all types of a different lifestyle on the side. Makes me nervous, makes me suspect of all men.
~Seeing men I know to be straight, flirt with him, or give him a head nod. Let me talk about this head nod. I mean it happens so quick you can't check it. Happens so often, it will shock you. Ms. Runway Diva had to school me, and after the lesson I wanted to cry. If I hadn't of been with Ms. Runway Diva, this world would have been a mystery. Hurts my feelings that so many men, well at least in the Dallas area are decievers.
So, The Big Hurt is a new experience going on, well has been going on for the past couple of weeks. Some people reading this blog won't agree and can't understand what I'm saying. But as a young black woman, this stuff hurts a bit. Especially when I notice women of other races not really going thru what I go thru, well at least women I know and talk to. Just had to get it off my chest.......
if u were here u could flirt w me let me stop
awwwww, that's so sweeet!!!!!
well horse man dont want to run u away
ive been know to do such before yawl say yale like large items but really dont and chk my new post if u can
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