it is hard to take the steps to take someone seriously and have them take you seriously. I am currently feeling that urge to have this person all to myself. I haven't felt this in a minute. It's nice to feel comfortable about someone, and talk about them, trust them, learn about them, appreciate the little things. This phase I'm in is quite enjoyable. It just sucks when I don't get my way, or get my feelings hurt. It's straight personal. Even a yell out to my friends can't cure it. Ooooweee. So, we've been having more heart to hearts, more quality quality boo time. loves, it hates it, he has given me a nickname. It's Amber Lynn. I hate it but secretly smile when he says it.....
I lost a friend due to some straight fuckery and foolatry and drunkness and trickery. A friend of mine went off on me because I don't share the feelings he has for me, for him. Get off! Claimed I diss him. Dissing him would be using him, leading him on, not being honest. I have always told him how I feel, that I jsut wanted to be friends. During his drunken rant he said he has been trying to get at me for a year and a half. Anyone that knows me knows I make up my mind in like 5 minutes. Doesn't take a year to convince and I don't like being convinced. It hurts that I have lost a friend, that I got disrespected and no apology. So was he ever a friend? Was he just waiting for his opportunity all along? Damn dudes!!! ANd dudes say females are emotional????
I am still shocked how my family isn't doing anything for my mom. It's like she doesn't exist or they think she's this angel floating around in pure happy life and goodness.
I am addicted to twitter. Follw me @veronicastorm. I seriously wild out and sometimes have to PG 13 my ass
I love watching tv on my phone. No commercials. Especially no scary movie previews that give me nightmares.
Somehow I have got to stop spending my money. Like all of it.
Basically the Title speaks for itself. Oreo is nickname that I've been called, which means white on the inside/black on the outside. I have now adopted it as a joke and know that people are just ignorant who truly believe that crap. But I've been going thru some love troubles, family troubles, personal troubles and think I will now discuss it troubles lol! It's time for me to experience life...! |follow me on @veronicastorm |
Friday, September 11, 2009
more punishments
It's crazy what is going on 2009.
Joe Wilson
You are a grown ass man. Why couldn't you control yourself during a damn Presidential speech? It was televised. This is in no way will help the Republican Party or prove if Obama is an actual "liar." PUNISHMENT: locked in room with Pookie and his friends
So yall are best friends now, friendly associates because yall have the same passion for the same sperm?? Get it together. Why didn't yall invite Lauren London to the lovely picture? Or the young Asian stripper that has his son?? I am all for folks to get along, but at some point a line must be drawn. Toya, move on girl. You have a fine man on your side and a teenage daughter. Nivea is just trying to come back with a top 300 single
PUNISHMENT: Toya just needs a vacation. Nivea needs to covered in tar, covered in feathers and paraded thru the streets to be an example of supreme stupidity
Yes you can belly dance. Yes you can belly dance. No one said you could do African tribal, pop locking, none of that. What the hell are you doing in this new music video. I understand the green paper is tempting, but how do you sell yourself like a 2 dollar imitation of Britney Spears??
PUNISHMENT: 150 hours of dance lessons from Boomkak, a severe spanking and a little elf to go in your pocket everytime you feel the need to dance to slap you!
Watching your video called "Angels" and I only see you. Yes the two other "members" (backups) are in the video, but can you really separate them from the extras?? Maybe I should watch the whole video before I judge, but it was too emotional. You just kept walking and walking and walking.......BOO to whomever that just won't tell you that you can stop and need to stop
PUNISHMENT: I don't know if there is a punishment for this one. Maybe just have you sit in a room and have to listen to your own voice, with out the edits and help. And hour should change your life LOL
Monday, August 31, 2009
Damn Popular Kids...Celebrities!!!
The folks below I have a problem with. Some should be locked away, some should be spanked. If I missed anyone, please comment. Loves the feedback lol.
@ 2PM, she posted this on twitter: Rumors are False! Why won't they just let us be. Wayne is indeed the Father and there's no question. We are celebrating a life. Peace@ 2:15PM, she posted this on twitter: I wish they would just let us enjoy this moment and stop putting false and negative energy out there.
Boo boo, there wouldn't be alot of negative energy if your baby daddy was a different person. What did you expect? He's not just a positive force in the entertainment industy, he's not going around skipping and whistling that hes got a kid with you on the way...get it together. And add to the fact he just had a kid by a young stripper, supposedly one by Nivea, and his baby momma has a show on BET. Yea...Lauren, go sit in the corner and really wonder why folks are tripping.
VERDICT: spanked with potential locking up in the future
Alot of people watch this show, I know this from twitter and facebook updates lol. But the clips I have seen on my phone I don't get the point. I have only learned that TO is country, ignorant and acts like a little boy. But I think I learned that from a party in Dallas where he showed up wearing white pjs trying to tell folks it was his summer look. Negro, please! And his 2 assitants/publicisits/best friends/mommas need to sit down somewhere. If I needed advice they would be the last on earth I would ask. If I needed someone to aid in my career, they wouldn't be on my last list of folks I might pay. Anyway, the show is almost over!!
We know you are pregnant. Please stop showing up to events trying to look fly with that massive speed bump you got on the front. If it is or isn't Wayne's baby it doesn't matter. We don't want to hear another "Don't Mess With My Man!"
VERDICT: Locked up with minimal visitation
I guess you feel the only way to get some attention and viewers is to bring Coke to your job and kiss a chick. At the end of the day Kim just has to walk down the street and will still get more money and attention than you. Damn shame! And Kourtney is too damn old to be running around Miami like that. But I guess all this foolishness will help pay for the baby's crib.
VERDICT: I would say spanking, but these two would enjoy!
For pretending to bop your head, like you are hearing perfection, when Diddy is singing. I didn't like you in Danity Kane, and I for sure have more reason to not like you now. You are letting this man use you so he can force us to hear him sing his heart out. I wonder if you will get paid your fair share when all is said and done???
VERDICT: serious therapy, mininal spanking, she seems sensitive
For being so sexy. You are distracting me with this CD cover. I think today I have carried it where ever I go. I am ssoooooo mad at you!
VERDICT: spanking, that I will conduct myself LOL
For putting what 9 songs on your album??!! Trey Songz put is possible!
VERDICT: light taps, I don't think he can take much
READY is available for you to buy. Go get it. Especially at Target where it is 10.80 (including tax). The album is really good, no lie, hands down R&B album of the year!!!
Everyone have a great day!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Check This...
Today Noelle is coming over. We are going to Kona and then on to Pravada. I plan for laughs and interesting comments. So you should follow me
I drove to my Grandma's and then back today. The drive pooped me out. But still can't sleep. I hope I don't snap on the kids. I'm going to put on a movie for myself to keep some positivity around me.
My mom actually seemed like she missed me. I told her I loved her today. Felt good. Hasn't gone down like that in a minute. I have to take and appreciate the moments I get. I love her so much. While she was gone it really gave me abreak, I was able to clear my head and relax. But it also made me really think about what she has to go thru. Knowing she's here and there. Damn.
I am confused about my boo. Where is this going to go? I've got to strike up the conversation immediately. Cuz I like him and need to make a change before all you hear from me is "Why Why WHy??" LOL...Something about the way he looks at me, let me stop!!!
Realized my family doesn't think of me often. Tear. And who cares, I have other family, really family that does.
Still wearing the fake nails, what am I really doing??
DANCE CLASS TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sad, the days are disappearing and Antoinette will be back in dallas... : ( : ( : ( : (
I drove to my Grandma's and then back today. The drive pooped me out. But still can't sleep. I hope I don't snap on the kids. I'm going to put on a movie for myself to keep some positivity around me.
My mom actually seemed like she missed me. I told her I loved her today. Felt good. Hasn't gone down like that in a minute. I have to take and appreciate the moments I get. I love her so much. While she was gone it really gave me abreak, I was able to clear my head and relax. But it also made me really think about what she has to go thru. Knowing she's here and there. Damn.
I am confused about my boo. Where is this going to go? I've got to strike up the conversation immediately. Cuz I like him and need to make a change before all you hear from me is "Why Why WHy??" LOL...Something about the way he looks at me, let me stop!!!
Realized my family doesn't think of me often. Tear. And who cares, I have other family, really family that does.
Still wearing the fake nails, what am I really doing??
DANCE CLASS TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sad, the days are disappearing and Antoinette will be back in dallas... : ( : ( : ( : (
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
FRANKIE: You are almost so foolish you might need to get back on crack.
KANDIE: If you can't label your mate with one profession, and have the nerve to say he owns several businesses, at some point he was doing something worthy of getting arrested for. If he owns several business why not call him a Business Owner, a CEO, a President, etc....
DIDDY: why is it in your heart to sing so bad?? And how dare you be so hard on your artists and then turn around and lace your voice with autotune.
RHIANNA: being so hush mouthed during this whole drama scenario. You know you have pushed that boys buttons countless times. I'm not seeing cry out for a not guilty verdict, but damn did you have to leave him out to dry while you gave out illegal tattoos. You have yet to explain that herpes that just was in love with your lip.
JACKSON FAMILY: I hope the rumors are untrue about your upcoming reality show. Why must you pressure us to like you, to accept you. Mike was our heart, deal with it, oh and Janet.
LATOYA JACKSON: I also hope the rumors are untrue about you being on The View. Sit down somewhere!!!
LAUREN LONDON: I can't believe you are pregnant. I am just hurt, like I know you or something. And if that baby is Lil Waynes, I guess you see something in the alien looking burnt up roach that none of us see. You have halted your career so early, knowing the roles for you are limited. How can you really play a teenager now? Oh and the shame of it all if Nivea's baby is his too? But whatever, the baby will be a blessing so that is all. Ohh Lauren
NIA LONG: what do I have to do to get you on the acting scene again? You say the roles are limited, but damn boo!! Do I need to start a twitter page?
Folks if you have some more, please contribute...
I Can't Stand Parents Who....
....allow their young girls to wear lace fronts!!! And by young, anyone below the age of 18 attending high school and on down. Lace fronts are supposed to be worn in performance, maybe for someone who has lost all their hair or hairline, in movies where they don't have time to re-dye hair. Not so your baby can look like she is missing half of her forehead. If you don't believe head to your area middle school, I guarante one per school. Got to your area high school I guarantee at least 5 or more. And if you go to any buisness where they hire teenagers: movie theaters, Forever 21 you will see many.
.....allowing their child to use the term "African booty scratcher." Yes a 4th grader said it today, he's African American, to two white girls...really? So then I have to explain or dodge the questions to the little white girl. I mean seriously??
....think it's cute that your baby can't pronounce any words, and saying they have a weird accent.
....let their young boys wear skinny jeans. I mean can they finish growing first? their children attempting innappropiate relationships. Example, the high school boy that lives accross the street from where I take care of children. I think his mom might encourage the flirting. Ill, guess they are itching for me to go to jail?
....who let their elementary children have a facebook, myspace and or twitter page. What the hell for?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The Dealio
My new interest is going to the gun range
I love the Real Housewives of Atlanta, so entertaining!
My puupy is my love
I wish my mom would take her medicine. She would be happier.
Wouldn't it be cool if I could get my own reality show and be paid lovely per episode.
I am obsessed with my cell phone.
The library is my new boyfriend.
My new boo could transition to something more serious. But I doubt it will. His hugs are the best. He doesn't know he could get my full attention. But I refuse to put myself out there yet. So not trying to get hurt.
I am addicted to twitter, what the hell
I am on the path to writing my book
Friday, July 17, 2009
To Keep Hushed???
I've been spending more time on the internet, paying more attention to things I never noticed before or didn't care about.
Some people, some associates, some friends are making/creating/enhancing/embelleshing/inventing themselves on line. Some might find me guilty of that as well. But personally I know I put out what's going on in my life. I can back up what I talk about, others cannot.
I just twitted about an Angus Burger from McDonalds, I can show you the receipt. Whereas I saw a friend of mine twitting about what she had going on, and I knew for fact she was at home. Why lie? If you are at home, thats what you do. If you are a jetsetter, thats what you do.
What's wrong with changing your status, or twit status to what you really feel, what you are really doing? Why need a comment or attention from folks who don't give a damn either way.
Remember the days when people's status were....I am at the library, I am sitting at home with my love....I miss those days. And I appreciate the ones that still keep it simple and honest.
Some people, some associates, some friends are making/creating/enhancing/embelleshing/inventing themselves on line. Some might find me guilty of that as well. But personally I know I put out what's going on in my life. I can back up what I talk about, others cannot.
I just twitted about an Angus Burger from McDonalds, I can show you the receipt. Whereas I saw a friend of mine twitting about what she had going on, and I knew for fact she was at home. Why lie? If you are at home, thats what you do. If you are a jetsetter, thats what you do.
What's wrong with changing your status, or twit status to what you really feel, what you are really doing? Why need a comment or attention from folks who don't give a damn either way.
Remember the days when people's status were....I am at the library, I am sitting at home with my love....I miss those days. And I appreciate the ones that still keep it simple and honest.
that's it
loves all
follow me @veronicastorm
message me so I can follow you
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Explain this....

The stomach can be explained by the many children she has had.
But what explains the white panties???
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
BLASTING does a certain someone (Ken Ken) hack into my stuff. I've changed the passwords, not like he's seen me to maybe bribe them out of me, and I haven't logged on nothing around him. Freaky, wacky!!
....all of the people my mom has helped over the years. They are like ghost. You would think they might want to put in some extra effort, like at least 5 minutes of their time and nothing. Only a select few are still around, but then they were expected. Solid gold type of people. It's crazy to see how disgusting some oldies are. I mean money she has lent, they could pay it back. All them times she ran errands, they could drop by and say helo. Hard situations really show the truth.
....birth control. I just don't think you work. Too many damn people in Houston are pregnant. I don't want to catch the bug. I have never taken you and haven't gotten pregnant. To the folks out there who are shaking their head in disbelief, I don't care lol. So I refuse to drink water, well did that before because I am addicted to Coke.
....Coke, I am addicted to you. I have to drink you everyday. Damn shame. And now I want to add a friend to you.
....Specs & Colony Lake Liquors. I wish you two weren't so close to my house. I wish you didn't advertise all the different specials you have, and all the new things I should try.
....Popeyes. For failing your food inspection test. Failed in the 60s. And the only grades available are A, B and C. Now I have to miss out on the Tuesday special, and the heavily seasoned fries because you don't want to store things at the correct temperature.
...Blacks from Black parts of town who blast me any chance they get. I'm sorry my momma decided to move into the suburbs or choose to raise me in a small town in Michigan. No I don't have the ghetto pass card. No I don't give the middle finger like you. No I don't have an accent. Get over it. It is 2009. Yes I talk different. It's annoying everytime I meet someone who thinks they are "blacker" than me, they have to comment, make a joke, or try to intimidate me. Try again, I am an ignorant idividual.
....Girls who wear"lace fronts" in Houston. I don't care I have talked about this before and will continue to try to convince folks it's not working. It's not a lace front if there is glue all up and down your hairline. It is not a lace front if I can see you tried to attempt a lace front. It's not a lace front if you buying 12.99 bags of Yaki at the beauty supply. It's not a lace front if all you can do is wear it in the weird ponytail.
hell yea
I will say it again
follow me
Monday, July 13, 2009
People Take The Joy Out Of............
~status stalker: stalk you to the point that when you see them face to face they spit off every status you have had.
~People who have low reading comprehension skills and get offended or don't understand your words. Then have the nerve to be rude and judgemental with their responses/reactions
~Take it too serious: lose their jobs, lose friends, lose relationships
~The other person disappointing you for no reason, not in a relationship, so no point in lies, embellishments, criticisms....
~Undisclosed expectations and intentions
~Folks who catch feelings to quick
~Crazy exs who throw themselves into the equation
~People who wear the trend out, like put it in every outfit...ex the latex pants shouldn't be worn to the club, to your job, to the grocery store and too church
~People who wear trends that don't fit their body...ex people with no booty or too much booty wearing the latex pants. Either too much or too little to look at
~Always telling you what your phone doesn't have in comparison to yours
~Boderline get angry when you tell them of a feature their "Amazing i Phone" doesn't have that you do, then go on a hunt for the application
~status stalker: stalk you to the point that when you see them face to face they spit off every status you have had.
~People who have low reading comprehension skills and get offended or don't understand your words. Then have the nerve to be rude and judgemental with their responses/reactions
~Take it too serious: lose their jobs, lose friends, lose relationships
~The other person disappointing you for no reason, not in a relationship, so no point in lies, embellishments, criticisms....
~Undisclosed expectations and intentions
~Folks who catch feelings to quick
~Crazy exs who throw themselves into the equation
~People who wear the trend out, like put it in every outfit...ex the latex pants shouldn't be worn to the club, to your job, to the grocery store and too church
~People who wear trends that don't fit their body...ex people with no booty or too much booty wearing the latex pants. Either too much or too little to look at
~Always telling you what your phone doesn't have in comparison to yours
~Boderline get angry when you tell them of a feature their "Amazing i Phone" doesn't have that you do, then go on a hunt for the application
so.......what do people take the joy out of for you??
Saturday, July 11, 2009
I decided to give a try, join the masses in opening the gates of privacy
Follow me @veronicastorm
I chose that name cuz it's my nickname/alter ego, and all ambers were taken
It's crazy what people put on twitter
It's annoying to see when people blast others because they feel their twitter comments aren't cool enough or doesn't meet their standards. Just stupid. Why should everyone talk about the same thing or talk alike....BOO
I must admit I am getting addicted, and that is a problem.
Even trying out twit pic lol, too much I know
And again....where is myspace????
Follow me @veronicastorm
Friday, July 10, 2009
1. I don't get people who go on dates to the club. The whole time worrying about who is staring at their significant other, doing to much to let folks know they are together, boo up and take needed space at the bar....I don't get it. Have fun, let loose.
2. People who ask you to do favors for them, give them advice, give them ideas and all of a suden treat you a hot shitty mess.
3. "You can be my sweet dream, or a beautiful nightmare" the words in Beyonce's new song Sweet Dreams...I guess I'm slow because none of my nightmares have been beautiful or enjoyable.
4. How I still have a crush on this dude from high school...I blame his smile and humor
6. Boys II Men is now 3. I mean someone told me the one with the deep voice has back problems, but can he lay down and do his part? It's harsh, and wrong for me to say, but I always loved his pimp walk and random outburts of poetry.
7. How come my mobile blogging is still not working.
8. Why do guys think its cool to say, "where yo man at?i know he'll be pissed if he sees me talking to you?i know you not alone? your man let you out the house? you to fine/sexy/cute/funny/nice to be single,whats wrong??.........confuses me!!!!!
9. Who got all the money when people had to go buy these digital conversion boxes?? or whatever the new cable is called...
11. How facebook hasn't added a music option...
12. How come the use of the word "bitchassness" faded so quickly...
13. What does my dog dream about??? He sometimes make noises, barks, moves around, and a couple of times has woken himself up.
14. Alzheimers
15. Why is it so hard to direct my thoughts to formulate this book I want to write.
2. People who ask you to do favors for them, give them advice, give them ideas and all of a suden treat you a hot shitty mess.
3. "You can be my sweet dream, or a beautiful nightmare" the words in Beyonce's new song Sweet Dreams...I guess I'm slow because none of my nightmares have been beautiful or enjoyable.
4. How I still have a crush on this dude from high school...I blame his smile and humor
6. Boys II Men is now 3. I mean someone told me the one with the deep voice has back problems, but can he lay down and do his part? It's harsh, and wrong for me to say, but I always loved his pimp walk and random outburts of poetry.
7. How come my mobile blogging is still not working.
8. Why do guys think its cool to say, "where yo man at?i know he'll be pissed if he sees me talking to you?i know you not alone? your man let you out the house? you to fine/sexy/cute/funny/nice to be single,whats wrong??.........confuses me!!!!!
9. Who got all the money when people had to go buy these digital conversion boxes?? or whatever the new cable is called...
11. How facebook hasn't added a music option...
12. How come the use of the word "bitchassness" faded so quickly...
13. What does my dog dream about??? He sometimes make noises, barks, moves around, and a couple of times has woken himself up.
14. Alzheimers
15. Why is it so hard to direct my thoughts to formulate this book I want to write.
loves all, live well
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
1. Mobile blogging is not working. I have registered twice, I get the confirmation, and then when I try I get a lovely text telling me my device is not registered............
2. I love the American Idol game on's the bomb. LEt's me know I can sing....I really can't but tell me why I always get above Gold Status!
3. Houston Heat, means less time my puppy is outside....less time I can read outside.....less time I can let my skin get touched by the sun.
4. Cocoa Butter aint working like it used to.
5. People who lie about their age, as if it would affect how I would treat them.
2. I love the American Idol game on's the bomb. LEt's me know I can sing....I really can't but tell me why I always get above Gold Status!
3. Houston Heat, means less time my puppy is outside....less time I can read outside.....less time I can let my skin get touched by the sun.
4. Cocoa Butter aint working like it used to.
5. People who lie about their age, as if it would affect how I would treat them.
THat is ALl.......
~~~~~my mom has been nicer lately, good times
6. PETA tripping on Obama for killing an annoying fly. I am not a huge Obama supporter, but who hasn't killed a fly. ANd how come this is a problem in 2009, the killing of flies.....PETA do better. ANd this is why they have to do outlandish things to gain support and attention.
7. I can't stand BET for giving TI and Lil Wayne baby momma tv shows. There is someone more interesting, has to be. Bring back the old members of Making The Band, that was entertaining, especially Dylan.
8. Twitter....there is no point. ITs a whole website derived from one application off of facebook, the "status" application. And then people convince I should be on twitter, how great it is, better than facebook, but yet.....they are still on facebook, connecting their twitter to facebook. I mean I think its a bit sad when people are begging for more followers, like they are saying "please pay attention to me, make me feel special about the insignificant things I do in my life."
Monday, June 22, 2009 blogging
I am going to start mobile blogging. I think it's healthy I do such lol.
First is clearly only for entertainment this year. I should not expect anything to come out of any prospects expect good stories to tell, laughter and blog material. But I will say it does ease up the tension that I deal with on a daily basis with my mom......
First is clearly only for entertainment this year. I should not expect anything to come out of any prospects expect good stories to tell, laughter and blog material. But I will say it does ease up the tension that I deal with on a daily basis with my mom......
......and my mom for some reason has eased up the meaness. Don't know what that is about. Alzheimer's is a crazy disease. To see how it can transform someone into someone else is just mind blowing. Just the fact my mom curses trips me out everytime. Especially when she drops the f bomb........
........I have discoverd my passion for cursing is getting out of control........
..............speaking on things getting out of control, like how much I use my phone now. I got a new one, it's called the Eternity. I am forever on the internet, texting, playing games, looking at new applications, looking for music, chatting on aim and messenger (which I have not done in years), mobile banking, now blogging. ANd it gets on MY LAST NERVES WHEN I AM USING MY PHONE AND SOME RANDOM (A MALE) HAS TO EITHER LOOK AT MY PHONE, ASK WHAT KIND OF PHONE IT IS, WHY AM I ON MY PHONE SO MUCH, CAN I GET OFF MY PHONE I AM DISTRACTING THEM, IS THEIR NUMBER IN MY PHONE, CAN THEIR NUMBER BE ENTERED IN MY PHONE, CAN THEY USE MY PHONE, CAN THEY PLAY WITH THE PHONE...........
yep, that's it for now. Oh and another thing....Goodbye, and have a great remainder (got that from someone, but forgot who)
personal realness,
Monday, June 8, 2009
ITs Been A Minute
I haven't been able to share my thoughts, because they just don't make sense to me. A big change has happened in my life. My mom was diagnosed with alzheimers. FInally things make sense, but then opens a door of unanswered questions.
I lost my dad when I was in the 5th grade, and now it's like I'm losing her, just slowly. I can't do anything right, I can't make it better, I just don't know what to do.
I can't imagine what goes thru her mind on a daily basis. How heavy her heart must feel.
I love my mom. I just can't lose her. And I am and I am losing myself slowly.
Today I am writing these words cuz I don't know who to call and tell them to. I don't have the courage to cry to someone, except to the people at the alzheimers support group.
I lost my dad when I was in the 5th grade, and now it's like I'm losing her, just slowly. I can't do anything right, I can't make it better, I just don't know what to do.
I can't imagine what goes thru her mind on a daily basis. How heavy her heart must feel.
I love my mom. I just can't lose her. And I am and I am losing myself slowly.
Today I am writing these words cuz I don't know who to call and tell them to. I don't have the courage to cry to someone, except to the people at the alzheimers support group.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Someone reminded me of how I was freshman year of college. I was excited about life, the levels in my voice would change frequently, I was happy about being happy, I wanted to discover new things, and watch, and just be me!
That same person talked on the phone with me today and just was so surprised about my tone. How different I sounded. I didn't think it was that bad. I had to explain 2008 was a rough year. Rough of lessons and experiences.
So in 2009 I hope to remember 2002. I hope to discover reasoning in 2009 to feel like I did in 2002. I want that genuine smile back. No reason why I can't :)
That same person talked on the phone with me today and just was so surprised about my tone. How different I sounded. I didn't think it was that bad. I had to explain 2008 was a rough year. Rough of lessons and experiences.
So in 2009 I hope to remember 2002. I hope to discover reasoning in 2009 to feel like I did in 2002. I want that genuine smile back. No reason why I can't :)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Preventing the word flow....
I went to a Sonic in Katy. They refused to inform me they no longer had Hamburger buns! So I got toasted bread with my Chicken Strip Sandwich. Tear my life. It wasn't the same. And they were stingy on the mayo. I didn't call corporate, but my feelings and taste buds were truly hurt.
My mom won't get help. She is truly going thru something, something is taking over, and she is almost content with it. It's frustrating as hell to live at home. So I have truly been exploring my options, and planning for some moves. I know I need to be there for her. I am an only child. But damn, you can't help someone who doesn't want help. It's like she has gotten used to taken everything out on me, making me her punch bag, battling the migraines, forgetting stuff......and on and on......I am truly tired. Shit I am having headaches. Like taking medicine on the regular. It's crazy, sad, and exhausting.
I love Jamie Foxx's new CD!!!!!!!!!!!!It's the bomb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to be his digital girl!!!!
I want people to acknowledge the way they enter my life.
I have truly been trying to put my words onto paper. I really want to somehow put my randomness into a book. I think I can contribute something different in the writing world. But it's a hard process. Like just deciding the format. Will I follow the blogs or will I attempt to make a flowing story. I am going to email some authors and see if anyone is willing to release some advice.
ohhh my goodness, I am seeing a belly. Best believe I will be running!
I feel sorry for all of the regular people in D.C. for the next couple of weeks.
So the pastor's wife attempted to play hookup with myself and her son. Awkard!!!
I decided I want to marry a man that has already been married. He already has had his children. He just wants to succeed at his job/business. He wants to travel, discover the world. He wants to live out and discover his passions. He wants to teach me things, he wants to investigate life with me. I want him to be older and taller.
Will there ever be a change in Gaza? Like seriously....when will it get old that so many people are dying!!!
I CANNOT AND WILL NOT TAKE THIS BIGGIE MOVIE SERIOUS......and how the hell is Lil Kim going to get offended because she's portrayed as Biggie's jump off........know your role!
I am nervous as hell. Nervous about the upcoming CD Lil Wayne and T Payne are supposed to make. Oh my goodness I am avoiding radios, clubs, parties, bars.....AAAAAWWWWW....don't they care about our eardrums
Loves all, miss all
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